They said the sea loved the sky...
Long ago, there was peace. Old stories tell the tale of two kingdoms that seemed to be eternally at war with one another. They say that at one time they were inseparable. There are many who express great sorrow for the way things have turned out. Once, the sea did love the sky and was loved in return. This time was prosperous for the two kingdoms, and this prosperity came from the cooperative efforts of both kingdoms. Those old enough to remember deem it an era of respect and mutual growth for these kingdoms. Wealth and peace were abundant, and the masses were happy. Life was idyllic for the realms of the sea and the sky. None could imagine the turmoil that would be unleashed upon the world of Avestral one day.
During one of the most well-known spiritual traditions in Avestral, two of the most precious and valuable items went missing. The tradition involved a messenger from each kingdom to be sent out, carrying the most precious items of the kingdom to an altar to ensure the continuation of their golden ages. These chosen messengers denied any involvement with the items going missing, both claimed they had been attacked by an unknown and unheard-of monstrosity. The tensions soon began to grow between the kingdoms that were once inseparable. It is said there is a fine line between love and hate, and both the sea and the sky learned how very true that was. It began as a trickle of words spoken with disdain and slowly but surely erupted into incidents of major violence. Rumors about a third realm flew wildly, while the leaders of the two kingdoms vehemently denied the existence of any other realm.
As the kingdoms began to tear each other apart, the forgotten realms known as the Midlands became a safe haven for inhabitants of all realms. At least it was a haven for those who dared to believe the rumors and sought out the Midlands. As more and more rules were made in each kingdom, the busier and busier the Midlands grew. Equines without wings nor gills grew restless at having their home invaded to settle disputes. Then there was violence between all three. Inhabitants of the Midlands called themselves the Lawless Order and then the violence grew. The Midlands began to reject those fleeing the turmoil of the Sea and Sky. Outsiders began to be regarded with great hostility.
Avestral was never the same. There was no peace or prosperity. There was very little hope left in this world. It is said that those who can solve the mystery of the missing, precious items will be greatly rewarded and peace may be restored. It is a difficult task, even more so with both the sea and the sky claiming that the other is at fault.