[OFFICIAL] Affiliate with Avestral
Our Affiliate Buttons
  • Before you affiliate with us, please make sure that you are a play-by-post RPG.
  • Please have our banner added to your affiliates, we'll verify and then add your banner.
  • Please make sure to note that Avestral is an 18+-only site when requesting an affiliate.
  • Please reply to this thread with your button code so that we can add it to our affiliates section.

Our Banner:

<a href="https://avestral-rpg.net/" target="_blank" title="Avestral">
    <img src="https://i.ibb.co/1zHD0b9/avestral-affiliate-button-dazeofwaves.png" width="88px" height="31px" title="Avestral - The said the sea had loved the sky..." alt="Avestral" />
hii!!! we at the The Enroi Region would love to affiliate with you!! ^_^ your button has been added to our front page!

[Image: Capitalized.gif]

<a href="http://enroiregion.com"><img src="http://files.jcink.net/uploads2/enroi/Skin/Affiliate_Buttons/Capitalized.gif" title="The Enroi Region | 18+ grimdark dystopian pokemon"></a>
We would love to affiliate with you and have put your button up already. We are https://toleadastray.jcink.net

Here's our code

<a href="https://toleadastray.jcink.net/" title="To Lead Astray"><img src="https://files.jcink.net/uploads2/toleadastray/toleadastray_button.png"></a>

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