[LB] DELUGE [jcink prem 21+] decopunk apocalyptic fantasy
[Image: vQ5EzQ.gif]
aether/decopunk post-apocalypse with diverse, unique lore

After the bombs fell, nothing was the same.

A single apocalypse turned into three when tensions erupted into a nuclear war that destroyed Earth’s magical balance and opened portals to an alien ocean realm. A flooded Earth grappled with eldritch abominations, nuclear fallout, and magic storms that shattered mountains and raised swarms of undead.

Now in 2324, New Seattle is a shining beacon of magitech sitting on the edge of the largest portal into the watery abyss. Skyscrapers levitate up into the sky and plunge below the waters, and magitech mechs defend the city’s ward-augmented walls from the waterlogged zombies and eldritch kaiju attacking it.

But the city is plagued by the basest scourge of all: humanity. Politicians squabble and crime lords vie for control of magically enhanced drugs, with everyone else stuck in the middle as monsters scrabble at the city’s gates and lurk beneath the waves. Will New Seattle be able to rise up to a better tomorrow, or will it be dragged down beneath the deluge?

DELUGE is an aether/decopunk apocalyptic original fantasy roleplay with a focus on diversity, unique lore, and character development. We are a 21+ LGBTQ+ centric & lead JCINK premium site.

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